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Attendance / Presenoldeb

Good attendance and punctuality play a vital role in the education of our children at Blaengwrach Primary School (Article 28).

The Welsh Government and school target is for all pupils to achieve a yearly attendance of 95% or above.
Regular, unbroken attendance is vitally important in order for your child to reach their full potential.

To help us improve attendance please could you:
inform us as soon as possible on the first day of your child’s absence from school
wherever possible try not to take your child for routine dentist / optician appointments during the school day
Holidays taken during term time may be recorded as an unauthorised absence and Penalty Notices may be issued.

Form to complete to request an absence during term time:     Request for Authorised Absence

Attendance Letter from Director of Education, Mr AD Thomas: 


Week beginningAttendance %